Our Story

Our Founders Journey

At the helm of this incredible journey is Mariah, a 28-year-old entrepreneur with an indomitable spirit and a personal commitment to health and wellness. Diagnosed with Graves’ disease at a 22, Mariah encountered the complex world of health challenges firsthand. Yet, instead of succumbing to adversity, she chose to conquer it. Mariah believed that the answer to wellness lay within the embrace of nature, and thus, Purekiks was born.

Vision of Well-being

Purekiks isn’t just about providing a product; it’s about nurturing a vision for a healthier world. Our journey is guided by compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of the human quest for wellbeing. We want to be the beacon of light for those looking to embrace the fullness of life, irrespective of the health challenges they face

Ready For A Purekik Start?